Diff for /rpl/lapack/lapack/zla_gbrcond_c.f between versions 1.3 and 1.10

version 1.3, 2010/08/13 21:04:06 version 1.10, 2012/12/14 14:22:48
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   *> \brief \b ZLA_GBRCOND_C computes the infinity norm condition number of op(A)*inv(diag(c)) for general banded matrices.
   *  =========== DOCUMENTATION ===========
   * Online html documentation available at 
   *            http://www.netlib.org/lapack/explore-html/ 
   *> \htmlonly
   *> Download ZLA_GBRCOND_C + dependencies 
   *> <a href="http://www.netlib.org/cgi-bin/netlibfiles.tgz?format=tgz&filename=/lapack/lapack_routine/zla_gbrcond_c.f"> 
   *> [TGZ]</a> 
   *> <a href="http://www.netlib.org/cgi-bin/netlibfiles.zip?format=zip&filename=/lapack/lapack_routine/zla_gbrcond_c.f"> 
   *> [ZIP]</a> 
   *> <a href="http://www.netlib.org/cgi-bin/netlibfiles.txt?format=txt&filename=/lapack/lapack_routine/zla_gbrcond_c.f"> 
   *> [TXT]</a>
   *> \endhtmlonly 
   *  Definition:
   *  ===========
   *                                                LDAB, AFB, LDAFB, IPIV,
   *                                                C, CAPPLY, INFO, WORK,
   *                                                RWORK )
   *       .. Scalar Arguments ..
   *       CHARACTER          TRANS
   *       LOGICAL            CAPPLY
   *       INTEGER            N, KL, KU, KD, KE, LDAB, LDAFB, INFO
   *       ..
   *       .. Array Arguments ..
   *       INTEGER            IPIV( * )
   *       COMPLEX*16         AB( LDAB, * ), AFB( LDAFB, * ), WORK( * )
   *       DOUBLE PRECISION   C( * ), RWORK( * )
   *> \par Purpose:
   *  =============
   *> \verbatim
   *>    ZLA_GBRCOND_C Computes the infinity norm condition number of
   *>    op(A) * inv(diag(C)) where C is a DOUBLE PRECISION vector.
   *> \endverbatim
   *  Arguments:
   *  ==========
   *> \param[in] TRANS
   *> \verbatim
   *>          TRANS is CHARACTER*1
   *>     Specifies the form of the system of equations:
   *>       = 'N':  A * X = B     (No transpose)
   *>       = 'T':  A**T * X = B  (Transpose)
   *>       = 'C':  A**H * X = B  (Conjugate Transpose = Transpose)
   *> \endverbatim
   *> \param[in] N
   *> \verbatim
   *>          N is INTEGER
   *>     The number of linear equations, i.e., the order of the
   *>     matrix A.  N >= 0.
   *> \endverbatim
   *> \param[in] KL
   *> \verbatim
   *>          KL is INTEGER
   *>     The number of subdiagonals within the band of A.  KL >= 0.
   *> \endverbatim
   *> \param[in] KU
   *> \verbatim
   *>          KU is INTEGER
   *>     The number of superdiagonals within the band of A.  KU >= 0.
   *> \endverbatim
   *> \param[in] AB
   *> \verbatim
   *>          AB is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (LDAB,N)
   *>     On entry, the matrix A in band storage, in rows 1 to KL+KU+1.
   *>     The j-th column of A is stored in the j-th column of the
   *>     array AB as follows:
   *>     AB(KU+1+i-j,j) = A(i,j) for max(1,j-KU)<=i<=min(N,j+kl)
   *> \endverbatim
   *> \param[in] LDAB
   *> \verbatim
   *>          LDAB is INTEGER
   *>     The leading dimension of the array AB.  LDAB >= KL+KU+1.
   *> \endverbatim
   *> \param[in] AFB
   *> \verbatim
   *>          AFB is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (LDAFB,N)
   *>     Details of the LU factorization of the band matrix A, as
   *>     computed by ZGBTRF.  U is stored as an upper triangular
   *>     band matrix with KL+KU superdiagonals in rows 1 to KL+KU+1,
   *>     and the multipliers used during the factorization are stored
   *>     in rows KL+KU+2 to 2*KL+KU+1.
   *> \endverbatim
   *> \param[in] LDAFB
   *> \verbatim
   *>          LDAFB is INTEGER
   *>     The leading dimension of the array AFB.  LDAFB >= 2*KL+KU+1.
   *> \endverbatim
   *> \param[in] IPIV
   *> \verbatim
   *>          IPIV is INTEGER array, dimension (N)
   *>     The pivot indices from the factorization A = P*L*U
   *>     as computed by ZGBTRF; row i of the matrix was interchanged
   *>     with row IPIV(i).
   *> \endverbatim
   *> \param[in] C
   *> \verbatim
   *>          C is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N)
   *>     The vector C in the formula op(A) * inv(diag(C)).
   *> \endverbatim
   *> \param[in] CAPPLY
   *> \verbatim
   *>          CAPPLY is LOGICAL
   *>     If .TRUE. then access the vector C in the formula above.
   *> \endverbatim
   *> \param[out] INFO
   *> \verbatim
   *>          INFO is INTEGER
   *>       = 0:  Successful exit.
   *>     i > 0:  The ith argument is invalid.
   *> \endverbatim
   *> \param[in] WORK
   *> \verbatim
   *>          WORK is COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (2*N).
   *>     Workspace.
   *> \endverbatim
   *> \param[in] RWORK
   *> \verbatim
   *>          RWORK is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N).
   *>     Workspace.
   *> \endverbatim
   *  Authors:
   *  ========
   *> \author Univ. of Tennessee 
   *> \author Univ. of California Berkeley 
   *> \author Univ. of Colorado Denver 
   *> \author NAG Ltd. 
   *> \date September 2012
   *> \ingroup complex16GBcomputational
   *  =====================================================================
      $                                         LDAB, AFB, LDAFB, IPIV,       $                                         LDAB, AFB, LDAFB, IPIV,
      $                                         C, CAPPLY, INFO, WORK,       $                                         C, CAPPLY, INFO, WORK,
      $                                         RWORK )       $                                         RWORK )
 *  *
 *     -- LAPACK routine (version 3.2.1)                               --  *  -- LAPACK computational routine (version 3.4.2) --
 *     -- Contributed by James Demmel, Deaglan Halligan, Yozo Hida and --  *  -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee,    --
 *     -- Jason Riedy of Univ. of California Berkeley.                 --  *  -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..--
 *     -- April 2009                                                   --  *     September 2012
 *     -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, --  
 *     -- Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd.                    --  
 *  *
 *     ..  
 *     .. Scalar Arguments ..  *     .. Scalar Arguments ..
       CHARACTER          TRANS        CHARACTER          TRANS
       LOGICAL            CAPPLY        LOGICAL            CAPPLY
Line 24 Line 179
       DOUBLE PRECISION   C( * ), RWORK( * )        DOUBLE PRECISION   C( * ), RWORK( * )
 *  *
 *  *
 *  Purpose  
 *  =======  
 *     ZLA_GBRCOND_C Computes the infinity norm condition number of  
 *     op(A) * inv(diag(C)) where C is a DOUBLE PRECISION vector.  
 *  Arguments  
 *  =========  
 *     TRANS   (input) CHARACTER*1  
 *     Specifies the form of the system of equations:  
 *       = 'N':  A * X = B     (No transpose)  
 *       = 'T':  A**T * X = B  (Transpose)  
 *       = 'C':  A**H * X = B  (Conjugate Transpose = Transpose)  
 *     N       (input) INTEGER  
 *     The number of linear equations, i.e., the order of the  
 *     matrix A.  N >= 0.  
 *     KL      (input) INTEGER  
 *     The number of subdiagonals within the band of A.  KL >= 0.  
 *     KU      (input) INTEGER  
 *     The number of superdiagonals within the band of A.  KU >= 0.  
 *     AB      (input) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (LDAB,N)  
 *     On entry, the matrix A in band storage, in rows 1 to KL+KU+1.  
 *     The j-th column of A is stored in the j-th column of the  
 *     array AB as follows:  
 *     AB(KU+1+i-j,j) = A(i,j) for max(1,j-KU)<=i<=min(N,j+kl)  
 *     LDAB    (input) INTEGER  
 *     The leading dimension of the array AB.  LDAB >= KL+KU+1.  
 *     AFB     (input) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (LDAFB,N)  
 *     Details of the LU factorization of the band matrix A, as  
 *     computed by ZGBTRF.  U is stored as an upper triangular  
 *     band matrix with KL+KU superdiagonals in rows 1 to KL+KU+1,  
 *     and the multipliers used during the factorization are stored  
 *     in rows KL+KU+2 to 2*KL+KU+1.  
 *     LDAFB   (input) INTEGER  
 *     The leading dimension of the array AFB.  LDAFB >= 2*KL+KU+1.  
 *     IPIV    (input) INTEGER array, dimension (N)  
 *     The pivot indices from the factorization A = P*L*U  
 *     as computed by ZGBTRF; row i of the matrix was interchanged  
 *     with row IPIV(i).  
 *     C       (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N)  
 *     The vector C in the formula op(A) * inv(diag(C)).  
 *     CAPPLY  (input) LOGICAL  
 *     If .TRUE. then access the vector C in the formula above.  
 *     INFO    (output) INTEGER  
 *       = 0:  Successful exit.  
 *     i > 0:  The ith argument is invalid.  
 *     WORK    (input) COMPLEX*16 array, dimension (2*N).  
 *     Workspace.  
 *     RWORK   (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N).  
 *     Workspace.  
 *  =====================================================================  *  =====================================================================
 *  *
 *     .. Local Scalars ..  *     .. Local Scalars ..
Line 219 Line 309
             END IF              END IF
          ELSE           ELSE
 *  *
 *           Multiply by inv(C').  *           Multiply by inv(C**H).
 *  *
             IF ( CAPPLY ) THEN              IF ( CAPPLY ) THEN
                DO I = 1, N                 DO I = 1, N

Removed from v.1.3  
changed lines
  Added in v.1.10

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